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Money issues are still really stressing Americans

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“Despite an improving economy, nearly 90% of Americans surveyed by the American Psychological Association said the level of stress they are feeling about money has either remained the same or gotten worse in the last year, according to the group’s annual Stress in America report.”

Almost 75% of the people surveyed by the American Psychological Association said they stressed about money at some point during the past month, and more than 25% said they stress about money all the time. The majority of these people were low-income people or parents of minors. Money stress was reported to have mainly come from paying unwanted/unexpected bills, and household necessities and groceries. Family and work also factor greatly into the average Americans stress levels. Many people skip out on their doctors’ appointments and medical bills because of their financial situation and the stress that arises due to it. In order to cope with situations like such, many Americans find themselves inclined to have hazardous addictions towards their health and mental stability. It is a problem that is becoming more evident and must be resolved.

As a Miami bankruptcy law office, we meet with a lot of clients who are experiencing financial stress. It doesn’t always have to be like this. If you are interested in getting rid of your debt once and for all, filing for bankruptcy may be your solution. Please call our office at 305-820-0334 for a free consultation to review your personal case with an experienced bankruptcy attorney and know your rights. The road to peace of mind is only a call away!

Source: CNN Money

2018-09-27T20:12:21+00:00 September 27th, 2018|Categories: Savings and Financials|Comments Off on Money issues are still really stressing Americans