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Our Blog 2020-07-02T14:26:46+00:00

Alberto Hernandez Bankruptcy Attorney Miami, FL Blog

Vehicle Exemption Amounts Change in Florida Bankruptcy Cases as of July 1, 2024

As of July 1, 2024, the motor vehicle exemption amount in Florida bankruptcy cases was raised from $1,000.00 to $5,000.00. This is thanks to SB158 which was signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis on April 26, 2024. What does this mean for the average individual or couple considering filing for bankruptcy? This change in the law will provide much needed relief to those who own a paid off vehicle or have a financed vehicle with equity by protecting much more of the value of [...]

Received a lawsuit from PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES LLC? Here’s what to do.

ACTION BY CREDITOR: SEND YOU A LETTER Did you receive a letter threatening to sue from PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES LLC (PRA)? Or worse -did you get served with a lawsuit already? You have a limited amount of time to take action. The Law Office of Alberto H. Hernandez can help you resolve this debt! PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES LLC is a debt collector who purchases unpaid debt from other companies. If you receive a letter from PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES LLC, it is because they purchased a [...]

Start checking your emails and texts for debt collection messages starting in 2021

If you have outstanding debt which is currently in collections, you may see an increase in text messages and emails more often in 2021. The CFPB released an update that debt collectors will be able to use these methods in addition to traditional collection calls to collect on a debt. According to the rule, you are allowed to opt out of receiving these types of alternative communications. However, there is no current way to opt out of traditional collection calls but the rule states that [...]

New Florida Judgment Interest Rate Set to start October 1, 2020

When a lawsuit is filed against you by a credit card company or collection agency for a past due debt, there is a limited amount of time to act or a judgment can be filed against you. Once it is filed, the judgment is valid in the state of Florida for 20 years. Judgments may have an interest rate attached to them which is for a set amount or variable, depending on the interest rate set by the office of the Chief Financial Officer of [...]

Received a lawsuit from MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT LLC? Here’s what to do.

ACTION BY CREDITOR: SEND YOU A LETTER Did you receive a letter threatening to sue from MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT LLC (MCM)? Or worse -did you get served with a lawsuit already? You have a limited amount of time to take action. The Law Office of Alberto H. Hernandez can help you resolve this debt! MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT LLC is a debt collector who purchases unpaid debt from other companies. If you receive a letter from MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT LLC, it is because they purchased a [...]

Covid-19 Financial Assistance available for Miami-Dade County Residents

Miami Dade County has partnered with the United Way of Miami-Dade and created the Miami-Dade Pandemic Assistance Program to help families affected financially by Covid-19. The county has allocated $20 million from CARES Act relief funds for this program to be distributed to qualifying residents living in Miami-Dade County. As a law firm focused on debt relief and bankruptcy, we know the financial strain and stress associated with losing your job or a reduction of your salary. The program will be awarding $1,000 - $2,000 [...]

What happens to my car when I file Bankruptcy?

Many people considering bankruptcy ask me whether they will lose their car at the time of filing bankruptcy.  This question is fueled by either misinformation or lack of knowledge.   After all, I am a bankruptcy attorney and I am happy to answer the question once I have more information.  The answer depends on the particular facts of each debtor, how the car is owned, and how much is owed on the car versus what is the value of the car. The bankruptcy trustee and the [...]

Can any Florida Attorney File a Bankruptcy Case for me in South Florida?

Any attorney that is licensed in Florida in good standing may attempt to file a bankruptcy case for a client in South Florida.  However, it is important for the consumer to know that the attorney that files bankruptcy cases in Miami, Broward or Palm Beach has court-imposed qualifications to do so.  According to the Local Rules of the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Florida, an attorney who appears before the bankruptcy court must certify to the court that they possess skills required to [...]

Your Job Loss or Furlough is a Practical Reason to File Bankruptcy in Miami and have Debt Relief Today

A sudden and terrible financial emergency creates a delicate situation where common people subliminally entertain whether filing bankruptcy is a good option to get under the problem.  Most people who have money reserves or have a job do not usually perceive bankruptcy as a best option since the emergency may be usually withstood with some tightening of spending or perhaps some overtime.  For those with no savings or job, bankruptcy relief under most emergency situations is more attractive instantly. The looming Covid-19 pandemic has many [...]