If you have outstanding debt which is currently in collections, you may see an increase in text messages and emails more often in 2021. The CFPB released an update that debt collectors will be able to use these methods in addition to traditional collection calls to collect on a debt. According to the rule, you are allowed to opt out of receiving these types of alternative communications. However, there is no current way to opt out of traditional collection calls but the rule states that they should be limited to no more than 7 calls a week.
As a debt collection firm, we know how stressful these collection efforts can become. With more options for communication available to them starting next year, it may become overwhelming for some. If you are currently receiving excessive collection calls for your debt, setting up an extended payment plan or making a settlement offer with your creditor may be a good option to explore with your attorney. Another possible solution may be to file for bankruptcy. Attorney Alberto H. Hernandez can help you review your current financial situation and find the best course of action available for you to tackle your debt.
The Law Office of Alberto H. Hernandez offers a free consultation to discuss your case in depth directly with the attorney. It is a great time to discuss your options and get ahead of the changes in collection efforts coming in the next few months. At the Law Office of Alberto H. Hernandez, we work with individuals to resolve their current debt problems and achieve peace of mind free from debt once and for all.
Photo Credit: Freepik.Com
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