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New Miami Bankruptcy Document Procedure

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Last week we wrote about the new forms and changes to the bankruptcy law. The federal courts are always trying to create bankruptcy forms, rules and procedures which are easy to work with by the public and its bankruptcy practitioners. As with many other industries the bankruptcy court system has slowly migrated towards electronic records. For this reason the office of the Chapter 13 Standing Trustee, Nancy Neidich, in Miami has announced a new procedure for the filing of documents. This new procedure was designed to protect consumers and aids in the administration of the bankruptcy paperwork.

Effective January 1, 2016, the Miami-Dade bankruptcy trustee will no longer accept faxes in the process of uploading required documents solicited by/or to be sent to their office. The new procedure involves registering with the trustee’s office with a login and password to upload documents. This new procedure modernizes the administration of a very busy Miami-Dade bankruptcy division but also brings the trustee’s office in line with what is being done at other trustee offices throughout the state.

Furthermore, not only is the process more efficient, but uploading documents through this system betterprotects the public as to the dissemination of private documents and personal information.

Miami bankruptcy attorneys should be aware that all documents such as bank accounts will need to be sent to the bankruptcy trustee in pdf format and that there are different requirements and categories for different types of documents sent through this network. The new procedure will help bankruptcy attorneys in Miami and their clients maintain a log-in account of what list of documents have already been sent and which ones still need to be provided to the bankruptcy trustee. The new bankruptcy procedure can be obtained at the trustee’s website, HERE! 

2018-08-23T16:56:57+00:00 December 7th, 2015|Categories: Bankruptcy|Comments Off on New Miami Bankruptcy Document Procedure