Miami Dade County has partnered with the United Way of Miami-Dade and created the Miami-Dade Pandemic Assistance Program to help families affected financially by Covid-19. The county has allocated $20 million from CARES Act relief funds for this program to be distributed to qualifying residents living in Miami-Dade County.
As a law firm focused on debt relief and bankruptcy, we know the financial strain and stress associated with losing your job or a reduction of your salary. The program will be awarding $1,000 – $2,000 per household, subject to eligibility.
To be considered to receive this assistance, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a CURRENT resident of Miami-Dade County;
- Have experienced a significant loss of income, become unemployed and/or experienced unexpected expenses as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Apply online and provide any documentation requested to show proof of residency and hardship.
The application period opened today, August 5, 2020 and the applications are online by visiting The applications are available in English, Spanish and Creole. For more assistance or further information, please call the United Way of Miami Dade at 305-646-7068.

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