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Our Blog 2020-07-02T14:26:46+00:00

Alberto Hernandez Bankruptcy Attorney Miami, FL Blog

    Miami Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer

    Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is often not an easy decision to make. When you are overwhelmed with credit card debt and medical bill debt and you want to stop debt collector calls, a chapter 7 bankruptcy may be a good solution. When you make an appointment to meet with a Miami Bankruptcy Attorney, you may have a lot of questions about the process and what happens to your credit after you file for bankruptcy. I will make sure you have all of the answers to make [...]

      Miami Dade and Broward Wage Garnishment and Debt Collection Defense

      When it comes to wages or bank garnishment, an experience Miami garnishment attorney could be your best option. Most people do not understand what a wage or bank garnishment entails. A writ of garnishment is one of the hardest things to deal with once received because once filed by your creditors, your creditors ask the court to authorize the removal of  25% of your gross wages or any available balance in your the bank.  More importantly, when you receive a writ of garnishment, [...]

        Miami Bankruptcy Courthouse New Location

        Effective October 10, 2014, the Miami Bankruptcy Court in Miami has changed locations to the C. Clyde Atkins United States Courthouse, 301 North Miami Avenue, Miami, FL 33128. As of now, all scheduled 341 hearings will still be heard at the Claude Pepper Federal Building located at 51 SW 1st Ave, Miami, FL 33130. The change in locations should not affect any active bankruptcy proceedings or any future filings. It is important to pay close attention to any documents sent to your attention [...]

          Filing Bankruptcy in Miami with your Spouse or Alone

          Welcome to the aHernandezLaw.Com legal blog. We are a Miami bankruptcy law firm who offer debt relief solutions to people in financial difficulties via an array of legal instruments such as bankruptcy relief, loan deification and foreclosure defense under the Bankruptcy Code. One of the most common cases we see at our firm involves stay home parents and or a small business owner whose business is failing and their partner has a steady job or income! When considering bankruptcy, married couples may choose [...]

            How to File For Bankruptcy In Miami If You Own A Business

            At the Miami Bankruptcy Law Firm of Alberto Hernandez, we are well known for our work with consumer debt. However, in recent years, it has become more common for individuals to go into business for themselves. A popular concern is seen during the free bankruptcy consultation offered to first time prospective clients is regarding their business. They want to know if they will be able to keep it. if they will lose everything they have worked for and if they will be liable for debts associated with the [...]

              How to Stop a Wage Garnishment in Florida

              According to the administration and wall street, the economy may be on the road to recovery, and truth is that bankruptcy filings and foreclosure numbers are down. I am Alberto H. Hernandez, a Miami bankruptcy lawyer, who specializes in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Foreclosure Defense, Residential Loan Modifications, and Debt Collection Defense. Something many people don't know about is that we are truly a full-service debt relief law firm. This includes fighting for those dealing with a wage of bank garnishments. [...]

                What Happens at a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Meeting of Creditors?

                For families and individuals filing bankruptcy in Miami, the idea of attending a court hearing may be very unsettling to most individuals. Some people associate a certain stigma with legal proceedings and would rather avoid the whole process, if at all possible. Rest assured, there is nothing to be worried about. At the Miami bankruptcy law firm of Alberto H. Hernandez P.A. as part of our service, we offer our client a complete orientation and crash course on what to do and expect during and after the [...]

                  Debt Consolidation vs. Bankruptcy in Miami | Which Is Right for You?

                  In the South Florida area, there is an overwhelming amount of commercials on TV, radio and print media promoting debt relief or debt reduction services. Many of these consist of some type of debt consolidation, personal loans, and yes, even bankruptcy. Not because we are a Miami bankruptcy law firm, but what is the best option for you? Debt consolidation is a service offered by a third party where the individual makes one monthly payment to cover most or all of the debt. This third [...]

                    What does the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Mean to you?

                    The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was created in 1996 and dictates what a debt collector can do and how they can act when they contact someone who owes a debt. The number of calls and letters sent by collection agencies can sometimes be overwhelming. In previous blog posts, we have covered the option of filing for bankruptcy as one solution to stopping these calls. After speaking to an experienced bankruptcy attorney in Miami and while you prepare to file, there are some things you should keep in mind to [...]